Thursday, November 25, 2004

Jiwa Kacau

Mari merapu pasal cinta... eh, takmo la merapu pasal cinta. Nanti orang cop aku jiwang lak. Ahaha.. padahal aku memang jiwang. ;p ye laaaa~! Org bukak blog ni tgk gambar bunga2 jadi background. Pastu org ckp, laa.. mamat ni mamat bunga rupanya! Ditambah pulak dgn gambar2 aweks sana sini... mana la org tak ckp aku bunga+jiwang+leleh. Hahaha~!! Nah korang, entry hari tu aku masukkan pulak lagu Elvis Costello tu. Biar tgkp leleh semua. Baru korang tau betapa 'tomok'nye aku dan blog aku ni. Ngahaha~!!

OK la... cuba define 'jiwang'? cuba define 'mamat bunga'? cuba define 'brutal'? Satu masa dahulu aku ada dengar term brutal kuntum daripada kwn2 aku. Hah~! lagi laa.. apa bende tu? OK la... utk pengetahuan anda semua. Aku ni seorang jejaka single. Jiwangkah aku kalau aku single? Apsal ada org ckp, jiwang ni hanya utk org couple2 je? Huhuh~ abih tu kalau tak jiwang, apsal letak2 gmbr aweks2 kat blog siap dgn lagu? Huuu~...

Macam ni la senang citer. Aku ni jenis appreciate the beauty in life. If God ever created something beautiful, then it is meant to be loved. If we don't ever wanted to love it, then it is meant to be appreciated. Tak semestinya perempuan cantik. Byk lagi benda lain. Girls, nature, animals, colours, and above all... is LIFE. Life is beautiful if we paint it the right way. Life is miserable if we mess with it.

Usually, org akan fikir life mereka miserable when it comes down to love problem. Apa besar sgt ke 'love' tu sampai boleh membuatkan life jd miserable?? Kdg2, kita sendiri yg cari penyakit. Then, kita blame 'love' for making our life messy. Is it right to love someone if that someone doesn't even know us at all? Is it right to love someone and at the same time loving someone else? Is it damn right to love someone and at the same time hate that someone? (...when love and hate collides...) Hahaha~~!! ...or are we desperately seeking for love? ...or is it just 'in need of companion'?

For all I know, I'm not in love with someone and never will for the time being. Because I just couldn't figure what's the purpose of my love... where will it go after sometimes? Oh yes... you might say I'm desperate. Well, I AM DESPERATE~!! I',m desperately want to know what am i desperating for! Kahkahkahka....

Anyway, leave that love matter behind. Better think of something else more important.. and if don't want to think about it... just close your eyes.. sleeppppp zzzzZZZZZZ....~~ or pick the guitar, hold it right in your hands and strummmmmmmmmmm....

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