Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Taylor'swood 2008

Hmm.. this entry is way overdue tapi takpe lah. Nak enter jugak entry nih. Last month, lepas raya, my company was having annual dinner. It was on 17th October. Bertempat di Sunway Pyramid Convention Center and the theme is hollywood. Well, all the staffs are supposed to wear costume that depicted hollywood movies la. For example pakai baju Jedi Knight ke, Superman ke,.. tak kisah la janji character dlm hollywood movies.

I've decided to bring along my wife and of course Sofea. At first, we all takut jgk kot2 halfway through the majlis, Sofea nangis2 ke.. merengek2 ajak balik ke. Tapi, end up dia pulak yang lebih2 excited. Memang laaa dia tak duduk dia kat meja makan tu. Kejap nak pegang garfu, kejap nak pegang sudu, kejap nak ketuk itu ini. Tapi kat belakang hall tu ada mcm big space kan. We just let her main2 kat situ. Dia pun seronok la tgk ada performances, lagu2, joget2, tgk org lalu-lalang berpakaian ntah apa2. Siap kena ngorat dgn anak Mat Saleh lg.

The dinner's banquet hall.

The MC that night was Jules from Pulp Fiction.

Anyway, back to the dinner, it was alright la. Ada performances, ada award presentation, all those normal stuff during company's annual dinner. So, all in all we did enjoy the night. Ingatkan bleh la dapat lucky draw. Hadiah2 yg ditawarkan agak menarik, tapi I'm not lucky :( Main prize is 5 days 3 nights to Gold Coast. Australia mind you, not the Bagan Lalang one... and there's Samsung HTC touch phone, RM10,000 HP laptop. Tapi gua tak dapat apa2~!! Hoh!

There are Julius Caesar, Princess Fiona of Shrek, erm... I don't know this one, and Snow White.

We also have The Phantom, and Princess Leia Organa from the Star Wars trilogy.

Ok, I like this one. You all nak tau tak who are all those Spartan warriors? ...They are actually the top management of the company consists of CEO, COO, Provost, MD, Dato' Loy, ..and also the newly-appointed VC, Prof Dato Dr Hassan. hehe~ sporting habis diorang ni.

This is the winner of Best Costume. Somebody from S.W.A.T. geee.. I dunno where did she (yes, it's a she) manage to get that costume.

*click on pic for bigger view!

..and the best part, I was crowned as The Most Charming Staff of 2008 that night. Ahahahah~~!! Noo laa... that was me and Sofea on the stage when I was trying to answer some stupid trivia question. Dapat laaa keychain bodow seketul. Sofea's not looking at the audience sbb makcik2 penari kat belakang tu duk mengacan dia. Hampeh tul. Oh yea, can you guess which character of Hollywood movies I am?

p/s - sorry for the quality of the pics is not that good. I'll repair it soon. Now got limited time lorr..


Mem Aluya said...

Boleh la nak sporting. Semua PA yang sediakan... datang makan dengan pakai je costume tu. Kalau tak sporting jugak... tatau lah.

Niamakahai said...

alaa.. masa keje sunway dolu2, nak harap boss2 mcm ni? mimpi lew.. Jeffrey Cheah masuk hall pun, siap semua org kena berdiri tepuk2 tgn. Protokol habis. pakai kot je. org lain pakai semua pakai samba. dah le bayar gaji ciput. ptuih~!