Thursday, September 09, 2004

Hampas Kelapa

Apa la hampeh punya blogspot ni..~? Dah 2 hari duk down tak tentu pasal. Penat aku tunggu dia publish tapi duk 0% tang tuuu jugak! Aku nak update pun tak bleh. Terpaksa la save je entry2 aku. Huh~!! Anyway, entry yg ni pun aku tak tau bleh publish ke idak. Nasib ler...

Been chatting to Ira just now... and she sent me this cute little boy pic. Fancy huh~? For all of sudden, I think this boy is cute! Tak pernah pulak aku interested terhadap ku'cute'an budak2 kecik. Tapi kali ni, aku suka sgt tgk pic budak ni. What does that mean? Am I too desperate to have kids? ...or am I a paedophile? Hell, no~!! Maybe aku dah mula suka kat budak2 kecik kot. Maybe aku dah gatal nak kahwin kot... or maybe aku dah hampir masuk ke peringkat 'seriously been thinking of marriage'? Weyy... tak bolehhh... masih awal. Hehehe~ By the way, his name is Faris.

What else...~? Ermm.. aaa.. I linked a new blog I found just now. It's Lin's Blog. Why~? I dun even know her. But I found something interesting about her. Huhuh~ not in a sense of love or romance. Don't get me wrong, ok. For those who really know me, you can easily figure that out... what's so interesting about her! I'm not telling you here.. so go figure it out yourself!! Ciao~

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Arr..tade tade..aku lagi kiut dari budak tuh :->

Pomelo Anderson